
Showing posts from April, 2023

Should I get LED Lighting from a Distributor or a General Contractor?

Lighting plays an integral part in setting the overall ambiance and aesthetic of any space, and LED lighting has become increasingly popular due to its energy efficiency, long lifespan, and versatility. There are two options when it comes to installing LED lights: going through a distributor or general contractor. We will explore both approaches here so that you can make an informed decision. Option 1: Distributor A distributor is a company that specializes in selling LED lighting products and related accessories. They typically carry an extensive selection of products for you to select the ideal lighting solution for your specific needs. Below are some advantages and disadvantages associated with purchasing your lighting from them: Pros: Product Knowledge - Distributors possess extensive knowledge about LED lighting products and can help you select those best suited to meet your requirements and offer advice regarding installation and maintenance services. Lighting distributors typi...