
Showing posts from May, 2022

Top Tips for Choosing the Right Chandelier for Your Home

 A chandelier is the perfect light art piece. It brings elegance to your room. Are you looking for some fresh ideas for chandelier selection? Consider the following tips when choosing a chandelier. Also, look for glass chandelier crystals in bulk . It is everlasting. How to Choose the Diameter of a Chandelier When selecting a chandelier for most locations, one simple rule of thumb will help you choose a size: Width of room (in feet) + length of room (in feet) = chandelier's diameter/width (in inches). So, if your room is 14 feet long and 10 feet broad, a 24-inch diameter chandelier would look appropriate (14 feet + 10 feet = 24 feet, which you convert to inches). How do you determine the vertical measurements of your chandelier? To get the vertical dimension of a chandelier, take the room height (in feet) and multiply it by 2.5 to 3 to get an acceptable range (in inches) for the light's vertical proportions. 25 to 30 inches is a better proportionate fit for a ...